Free to Access Educational Resources

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Free to Acces Educational Resources

AndMI offers a wealth of educational resources to individuals who are not enrolled at the university. These resources encompass complimentary access to libraries, computer facilities, online courses, educational content on YouTube, web-based lectures, webinars, and psychological counseling services. Furthermore, AndMI hosts numerous seminars and events that are open to the general public.

  1. All cources are free courses and leading to certificate
  2. All campus facilities and equipment are free to access
  3. All online resources are free to access

1. Andijan Machine-building Institute (AndMI), in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, is introducing educational online platform to ensure that students in distant and remote regions of the country stay informed about educational initiatives.

2. AndMI Library:

Visitors have the option to access libraries online or can choose to visit in person to utilize educational resources and computers.

3. Accessibility Center:

The Accessibility Center for Special Needs students and the general public is open to everyone at the Main Library at no cost.

4. Soft Books:

Books at no cost, spanning from Master to PhD levels, are accessible for download by individuals of all educational backgrounds.

5. AndMI TV/Radio Channel:

Television and radio educational programs, as well as online courses and lectures, are accessible to everyone at no charge.

6. AndMI Youtube Channel:

The AndMI YouTube Channel features lectures on various academic programs.

7. Seminars/webinars/workshops:

All seminars, webinars, and workshops are open to the general public.