Planning and Finance Department

Name Ubaydullayev Mirvoxid Shuxratovich
Position 1st class economist
Reception time Monday 9:00-17:00
Saturday 9:00-17:00
Telephone +99899 138-6260


  • Organization of all activities of the department and employees;
  • Development of department work plans and ensuring their implementation;
  • Coordinating the activities of the responsible units in the educational institution based on the department's goals;
  • Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, presidential decrees, orders, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Board decisions, orders, instructions, modemograms of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and telephone ensuring the execution of messages; as well as orders of the rector of the institute;
  • Pay monthly wages to newly hired professors and teachers in accordance with the unified tariff system of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Compilation and approval of the state budget of the Institute and the cost estimate of the contract;
  • To ensure the legal determination of salaries of professors and teachers;
  • ensure timely preparation and approval of estimates of changes to wages and other payments in accordance with the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government;
  • To ensure that the planning and financing of the Institute's activities is carried out on the basis of current regulatory documents;
  • Development of staff tables within the State budget and extra-budgetary funds of the Institute and their approval in the prescribed manner;
  • To ensure that the career of each employee is determined on the basis of the staff table in accordance with the established laws and other regulatory legal documents;
  • Organization and control of the implementation of budget, contract and economic contract estimates;
  • Control of compliance of personal and travel orders of the Institute with the approved budget;
  • organize the preparation of quarterly and annual reports and ensure their timely submission to the Ministry of Higher Education;
  • Excellent knowledge of information and communication technologies;
  • Follow institute rules, etiquette and dress code.
  • Understanding the nature of the orders of the rector of the institute.



Name: Mamurjonov Mukhammodqodir Shuxratjon o'g'li

Position: 1 toifali iqtisodchi

Telephone: +99890 770 07 51