



Andijan machine building Institute established a scientific and technical journal named "Machine-building". Journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended for publication of scientific results in the disciplines "ECONOMICS" and "TECHNOLOGY" by the decision of the Directorate of the High Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 30, 2021 No. 310/10. Also, the materials of the journal are published on the portal of the Information Agency. The purpose of the scientific and technical journal "Machine-building" is to publish the main scientific results of the dissertations of candidates for the doctor of philosophy (PhD) and doctor of science (DSc) degrees in the fields of "ECONOMICS" and "TECHNICAL".

The scientific and technical journal " Machine-building" includes the following specializations in technical sciences.

  1. 05.02.00 - Mechanical engineering. Material processing in mechanical engineering. Metallurgy. Aviation technology
  2. 05.05.00 - Energy and electrical engineering. Technology of electrification of agricultural production. Electronics
  3. 05.07.00 - Agricultural production mechanization technology
  4. 05.08.00 – Transport
  5. 08.00.00 – Economy

Four Issues of the journal are published per year.

For the authors!

1. Articles can be in Uzbek, Russian and English.
2. At the top of the first page should be given information about the author (authors) (last name, first name, middle name, place of work and position, scientific degree, e-mail, phone number).
3. Articles should be submitted in electronic and printed versions, signed by the author (s). The article should be organized as follows: no less than 5 sheets, in A4 format, in the range of 1.0, above, on the right, on the left, on the bottom, leave 2.5 cm, in the MS-WORD 2003-2010 program, at 12 pt. font Times New Roman.
4. This article in a particular specialty should be provided along with the official review of the doctor of science in the field of study and the act of examination of the possibility of publishing the article. At the same time, the editors have the right to require the provision of additional information from the authors and submit for additional expertise, on the basis of the results of which the Issue of publishing the article will be decided.
5. Responsibility for the accuracy of information, facts and statistics is only the author of the article, the editors are not responsible.
6. The article must necessarily contain the exact sources of the tables (drawings, drawings), the meaning of the abbreviated words must be explained.
7. The title, brief annotations (5-6 lines) and keywords of the articles should be provided in three (Uzbek, Russian and English) languages.
8. Footnotes in the article should be listed as - [l]. At the end of the article, the list of references should be written in order of sequence..
9. Scientific articles are printed in the order in which they are received by the editor. Articles that do not meet the above requirements of the editors are not considered.
10. Authors submit articles in printed form to the editorial office or send them by mail indicating the return address (for non-residents).
11. The copyrights of scientific articles are protected by the Law “On Copyright and Homogeneous Rights” adopted on July 20, 2006.

ATTENTION! The last page must be signed by the author (s) of the article


E-mail: (Articles will be sent to this email address)
Editor(s): Kh.Аkbarov, M.Jurakhonov, O.Mirzayev
Telephone: (74) 223-47-18, (74) 223-44-09.