Digital Education Technology Center

Name: Kurganov Rustam Ulug'bek o'g'li
Position: Head of the center
Reception Time: Monday 14:00-17:00
Saturday 14:00-17:00
Telephone: +99874 223-43-67

The purpose of the center

  • Introduction and use of DLT in educational, scientific, administrative and economic services of the Institute.
  • Solving problems in the process of informatization of the institute's administrative management, research activities and educational process.
  • Implementation of works on the development of information and communication infrastructure of the institute.
  • Organization of work on the introduction, implementation, use, design and proposal development of modern DLT tools for the institute.

Duties of the center

  • Network administration and network access control at the institute, ensuring security and continuity of the institute's official website, servers, and information resources.
  • Ensuring the safety and quality of multi-level telecommunication networks and technical means of the Institute, as well as conducting monitoring.
  • Technical support of the semi-distance education system and multimedia educational resources for the introduction of digital educational technologies in the educational process and their effective use.
  • Technical support of the semi-distance education system and multimedia educational resources for the introduction of digital educational technologies in the educational process and their effective use.
  • Makes proposals for purchasing and equipping departments of the institute with multimedia tools and equipment.
  • Maintenance and adjustment of technical means of the institute, organization of centralized software.
  • Organization of modernization of technical means used in the institute.
  • Establish access to information systems and network users at the institute.
  • Participation as an expert in drawing up and concluding contracts with enterprises and organizations for the provision of goods and services related to information and technical means at the institute.
  • Carrying out a uniform information security policy at the institute.
  • Study of domestic and foreign experience in automation of management at the institute.
  • Control the security of the network and network devices in the institute and keep them in working order.
  • Installation, configuration and management of software systems in the Institute.
  • Organization of activities to support the activity of the institute with the help of modern technologies.