Department of scientific researches, innovations and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

Full name Mirzayev Otabek Abdirakhimovich
Position The head of department
Reception time Monday 9:00-17:00
Sunday 9:00-17:00
Telephone +998944350140

Goals and objectives of the Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel

  • Enforcement of Decree No. PF-4958 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 16, 2017 "On further improvement of the post-secondary education system" and Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 2017 "Higher In order to ensure the implementation of the decision No. 304 "On measures to further improve the post-secondary education system", in accordance with the documents on post-secondary education at the institute, Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor of Philosohy, PhD), organization of work on awarding the scientific degree of doctor of science (Doctor of Science, DSc);
  • Preparation of projects under the state grant program and conducting scientific research based on the establishment of an organic relationship with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Help to expand the scope of scientific developments and strengthen their economic efficiency by further activating the scientific research processes of the departments, increasing the quality of their normative-methodical and information-resource supply;
  • Development and implementation of the scientific research plan of the Institute;
  • Coordinating the organization of scientific-research works in the faculties and departments of the Institute and its constituent units;
  • In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2017 "On measures to further expand the participation of economic sectors and sectors in improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists" No. PQ-3151 , coordination of work being carried out within the framework of innovative-corporate cooperation between science, education and production with organizations and production enterprises;
  • Regularly ensuring the participation of professors and teachers of the department in scientific projects within the framework of state scientific and technical programs;
  • Ensuring registration of scientific research and development at the level of each scientific researcher;
  • Organization of monitoring of information describing the state and potential of scientific work, directions of its development in the institute;
  • Ensuring that the results of scientific researches for each department and each scientific research are determined by the rating method;
  • Constantly organizing the exhibition of scientific developments of the institute, faculty and departments;
  • Creating a plan for conducting scientific seminars, conferences and symposiums and ensuring their implementation;
  • Creation of necessary economic, social and technical conditions for academic staff in order to make full and effective use of scientific and educational-methodical opportunities;
  • Development and implementation of a system of material and moral incentives for the best scientific and research works, establishment of special awards;
  • Organizing the sale of research and development works and services with agreed free prices;
  • Supervise and monitor the implementation of the scientific research work plan defined in the personal work plan of the institute's professors and teachers;
  • Involve professors and teachers of the institute, basic doctorates, doctoral students, and independent researchers in the selection of scientific projects of fundamental, practical, innovative and young scientists, as well as in scientific research works performed on the basis of economic contracts, and monitor their activities;
  • Organization of basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies, and independent researchers' admissions, document acceptance, organization of entrance exams;
  • supervising the implementation of personal work plans of basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies, and independent researchers;
  • To ensure the introduction of scientific innovations of researchers in their dissertations in the educational and scientific activities of the institute, to prepare certificates of use of the results;
  • To provide the department with highly qualified employees, to make proper use of knowledge and experience of employees, to take measures to increase their responsibility for assigned work;
  • Organizing and coordinating the work of the department in cooperation with other structural units of the institute;
  • Performing other tasks related to the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the Institute;
  • Development of a plan for the publication of monographs, articles and conference materials based on the results of scientific research and ensuring their implementation