Women’s committee


Sirojiddinova Iroda Makhammadovna

Position Chairman of the women’s committee.
Reception time Monday, Friday from 13:00 to 16:00
Telephone +998 74 224 7088, 1029
E-mail siroziddinovairoda@gmail.com

Women’s advisory council

In our country, women are legally guaranteed to participate in all spheres as active members of society. Among the wide-scale measures aimed at increasing the place and position of women in society in our republic, the main goal is to increase attention to them. In this sense, a number of laws and decisions have been adopted in our country over the past years to improve the activity of women in society, attention to women has become one of the main directions of state policy.

In the teaching staff of our institute, 38% of women are employed. Among them: 26% - DSc and PhD


The women's council of the institute has a long history, and our respected teachers Karimakhon Yusupova, Tursunoy Isaqova, Arofatkhan Tojiakbarova, Adolatkhan Niyazova, Zulfiyakhan Aripova, Maryamkhan Akhmedova, Gulchekhrakhan Karimova are working as the women's council who have contributed to the development of their work.

The main purpose of the council

- Strengthening the activity of women - girls in the political, social, economic spheres and types of work in the society, protecting their rights and interests, and conducting community work;

- carrying out spiritual and educational work between women and girls, holding various events, meetings, seminars, in order to raise girls to be well-rounded people in all respects based on our national and cultural values and programs;

- protecting the rights of women and girls, improving their spiritual, intellectual and professional experience, legal literacy, and culture; - organizing a group of talented girls, participating in recommending talented girls to Zulfiya and other famous state awards;

- forming a healthy lifestyle in the family, avoiding harmful diseases, improving the reproductive health of women and girls, protecting motherhood and childhood, increasing the interest of women and girls in culture and sports;

- prevention of unpleasant situations such as crime, drug addiction, drunkenness, suicide among our wives and daughters, which are foreign to the spirituality and lifestyle of our people;

- improving the social and spiritual environment among women and girls, preventing the spread of missionary ideas of religious extremism;

- protection of women from harassment and violence;

- providing assistance, assistance and support to our girls in need of social protection and disabled under constant supervision.

Principal duties of the council

To increase women's participation in solving their political, social and economic problems. Providing comprehensive support, improvement of living conditions, protection of their rights and interests. Strengthening family ties based on national and moral traditions. Education of high moral young people in the spirit of patriotism.

With the support of the Institute's administration, the Women's Advisory Council conducts moral and spiritual work among faculty, support staff and female students.

Round-table discussions and meetings are held among female students in order to study their mental and psychological state.

As in any area, the role of women in science is undeniable. Our young female scientists are actively manifesting themselves in scientific research. Our talented students were the winners of scholarships named after Islam Karimov, Ibn Sino, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.