Humans section

Name: Baynazarova Sultonxon Xoshimjonovna
Position Bo'limi boshlig'i
Reception time Monday 8:00-17:00
Saturday 8:00-17:00
Telephone (0374) 223-44-45

About the humans section

Personnel department performs its activities in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and decrees of the President, decisions of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis, the Labor Code, the National Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Staff training, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. The Human Resources Department operates in accordance with the Charter and the annual work plan of the Human Resources Department, which is approved by the rector of the institute every year. The personnel department is an independent structural unit of the institute, which ensures the formation and implementation of a uniform personnel policy. The department works in cooperation with department heads and department heads, the main task of human resource management is responsible for increasing the efficiency of their use. Development and implementation of a unified policy in the field of staffing, training, retraining and advanced training of the institute's employees, formation and training of human resources for leadership positions, proposals for optimization of the structural structure and the main tasks of the department. employees of the institute. Participation in development, ensuring compliance with labor legislation when working with employees, creating normal working conditions to increase the working capacity of employees of the institute and maintain healthy morale in the team, introducing new methods and advanced technologies for working with personnel, standardization . and unification of personnel documents, improvement of personnel management processes based on the use of information technology tools.

The personnel department of the institute performs the following functions:

  • Selection of qualified, highly qualified, in-depth professional knowledge, creative and scientific potential, highly intellectual and spiritual personnel for the personnel training process that meets modern requirements in accordance with the "National Personnel Training Program" with the management of the institute. and department heads, recruitment;
  • draws up documents on hiring, transfer and dismissal of professors, teachers and management staff based on labor contracts;
  • keeping, filling out labor records, formalizing personnel documents;
  • creation of vacation schedules and control of its implementation;
  • creation of vacation schedules and control of its implementation;
  • accounting for incentive and reward information;
  • preparation of documents on employee benefits;
  • registration of business trips and preparation of orders for business trips;
  • forming and constantly updating the database of employees of the institute;
  • receiving, maintaining and storing personal documents of students of the institute in all forms of education;
  • taking into account and considering the orders of students (admission, transfer, restoration, expulsion, promotion, etc.); maintaining and archiving personal documents of graduates and expelled students in the prescribed manner;
  • registration, formalization and delivery of diplomas to graduates;
  • monthly submission of information about vacancies to the district employment assistance center.