

Reports were heard, plans were discussed

The sixth meeting of the Council of the Andijan Machine-Building Institute for the 2024-2025 academic year was held.

The state program for the implementation of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy in the "Year of Support for Youth and Business" in 2024, the work carried out in the institute to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the introduction of a system of continuous professional development of managerial and pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions" dated August 25, 2019, the report of the institute on scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in 2024 were heard. The work plan for 2025 on subjects included in the final state certification, as well as research work and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Institute was also approved.

The results of the monitoring of doctoral students (DSc), basic doctoral students (PhD), trainees-researchers and independent researchers were also discussed.

In addition, various issues were considered during the meeting, and a number of important decisions were made aimed at improving the scientific and practical activities of the institute.


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