

The Constitution is the foundation of a people's state, sustainable development and a prosperous life

On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, a propaganda event was held at the Andijan Machine-Building Institute under the slogan "The Constitution is the foundation of a people's state, sustainable development and a prosperous life."

At the event, organized jointly with the regional justice department, students of Tashkent State Law University were provided with detailed information on such topics as the basic principles of the new edition of the Constitution, the fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of a person and citizen, as well as issues of society and the individual, the organization of state power, fundamental tasks in the electoral system.

The project aims to widely promote the essence and content of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan among the population, especially among young people, to increase the constitutional and legal knowledge of our citizens.

Within the framework of the event, a quiz was organized aimed at further strengthening the knowledge of young people about the Constitution, and participants who answered the questions correctly were given memorable gifts.


News / Announcements