

The conference continues its work

In the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, a conference was held within the framework of the student scientific-practical conference week under the theme "Promising youth of New Uzbekistan".

According to the program of the conference, students of the second, third and fourth stages of studies in the fields of Alternative energy sources, Energy saving and energy audit, Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technologies took part.

At the beginning of the event, the officials expressed their opinions about the purpose of the week, plans, and expected future results.

After that, students will learn about "Solar devices", "Energy audit", "Reactive power compensation", "Energy saving in compressed air system", "Electromagnetic nature of light", "Illumination standards", "Solar cell materials", Presentations on "Energy saving in lighting" and "Induction furnaces used in blacksmith shops" were heard.

The participants received detailed answers to their questions from the presenters.


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