

Economics students won all the places on the podium

In the Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, in cooperation with the "Talaba" sports club and the primary organization of the Youth Union, the championship of the chess institute was held in connection with the Navruz national holiday.

25 young men and women participated in the competition held in order to ensure the implementation of the President's decision of January 14, 2021 "On further development and popularization of chess and measures to improve the system of training chess players".

At the end of the uncompromising and intense debates, students of the Faculty of Economics won all the places on the winner's podium. For example, Jawahir Abduvakhobov, a third-level student of Management, won the first place, second and third places were taken by Oltinoy Rahmatova, a first-level student of Accounting, and Javahir Erkinovlar, a student of Economics.

Winners will be awarded on the eve of the holiday.


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