On November 6-10 of this year, the second meeting and training courses are being organized at the University of Western Macedonia in Greece, in the project called "I2-PLEDGE: Innovative and interdisciplinary Programmes in Bio-medical Engineering to Leverage and Exploit the Digital Growth programme for students’ employability in Uzbekistan" within the framework of the Erasmus+ "Capacity building in higher education". More than 20 representatives of 2 universities of the European Union, 1 training center and 7 higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are participating in the meeting.
Partner universities:
1. University of L’Aquila - Italy
2. University of Western Macedonia - Greece
3. Epimorphotiki Kilkis International Training Center - Greece
4. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
5. Tashkent Medical Academy
6. Tashkent State Technical University
7. Andijan Machine Building Institute
8. Adijan State Medical Institute
9. Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies
10. Urganch branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
Two representatives of institute, Dr. Javlonbek Rahmatillayev, a doctoral researcher of the Department of Automation of Mechanical Engineering Production, and Yodgorbek Ismoiljonov, a doctoral researcher of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Product Quality Management participate the training program.