Ilmiy labaratoriyalar

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  • To‘qimachilik ilmiy-tadqiqot markazi

To‘qimachilik ilmiy-tadqiqot markazi

Laboratoriyaga mas’ul

Katta o‘qituvchisi M.Sattarov
Telefon: +99890 169 23 11
T/r Ilmiy uskuna nomi, ishlab chiqarilgan yili, texnik tavsifi Qo‘llanish sohasi Ilmiy uskuna rasmi Ilmiy uskuna joylashgan laboratoriya, mas’ul
1 Лабораторный толщиномер
Laboartory Thickness Gauge with digital readout for checking the thickness of orthogonal, knit, non-woven, geotextile, leather, and leather fabrics.
Reading: 0 to 10 mm, Accuracy: 0.01 mm
Nonwoven material: 25 cm², 0.5 kPa and 1 kPa or 10 cm², 5 kPa
Qalinlik oʻlchagich YG141 Qalinlik oʻlchagich YG141 Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
2 Устройство определения воздухопроницаемости текстильных материалов
Device for quickly and quietly determining the air permeability of knit and industrial fabrics, technical use fabrics, non-woven fabrics, etc.
Air permeability measurement range: 2.5-6500 dm³/(m²·s)
Air flow measurement range: 4-4800 dm³/min
Nominal pressure difference: 49; 50; 100; 200; 500 Pa
Allowable relative error of air flow measurement: ±2%
Interchangeable table openings area: 2; 5; 10; 20; 50; 100; 4.9 cm²
Nominal clamping force: 147 N
Operating temperature range: 20 ± 5 °C
Power supply: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, single-phase
Havo oʻtkazuvchanlikni aniqlash HSW-DF-02 Havo oʻtkazuvchanlikni aniqlash HSW-DF-02 Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
3 Круговой нож для образцов
Circular Knife for Samples
Cutting area: 100 cm²
Cutting depth: 5 mm
Model with 4 blades
Equipped with one cork support plate and four spare blades
Namuna kesish pichogʻi ZB01B Namuna kesish pichogʻi ZB01B Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
4 Электронные весы для определения веса 1 кв. метра ткани
Electronic Scales for Determining the Weight of 1 Square Meter of Fabric
Digital readout, especially convenient for determining the weight of fabrics and paper per 1 square meter using pre-cut round fabric samples.
Units of measurement: grams
Measurement range: 100g
Accuracy: 0.01g
Elektron tarozi JE302 Elektron tarozi JE302 Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
5 Устройство для испытания на статическую электризуемость
Device for Testing Static Electrification
Suitable for checking the electrostatic electrification of clothing, protective fabrics, shoe fabrics, and leather materials.
Measurement range of electrostatic field strength: 0.3 to 180 kV/m
Measurement range of electrostatic potential of the video display screen (additional option): 0.1 to 15 kV
Allowable main relative error of electrostatic field strength measurement: ±15%
Statik elektrlanishni oʻlchash asbobi SL-030B Statik elektrlanishni oʻlchash asbobi SL-030B Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
6 Прибор для определения растяжения медицинских тканей
Device for Determining the Stretching of Medical Fabrics
Used to determine the elongation, compression, bending, rupture, shear resistance, and adhesion strength of finished or partially finished products (e.g., medical masks), ear loops of medical masks, medical and surgical protective clothing, etc.
Range: 1-980N (1% ~ 100% FS)
Test accuracy: ±1% (10%-90%)
Resolution: 1 N
Units: kgf, lbf, N, KN
Speed range: (10~500) ±2% mm/min
Max. amplitude: 600 mm
Power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz, 500 W
Uzish mashinasi HZ-1007E Uzish mashinasi HZ-1007E Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov
7 Тестер воздухопроницаемости маски для лица
Face Mask Air Permeability Tester
Measures by determining the pressure drop across the mask under specific air flow, temperature, and humidity conditions.
Flowmeter: 0-10 l/min
Sensor measurement range: 0-0.5 kPa
Metal ring with an inner diameter of 25 mm
Pressure pump: 25 l/min, 85 kPa
Display screen: 4.3 inches
External pneumatic support: 0.4-0.6 kPa
Bosimlar farqini oʻlchash asbobi HSW-DF-02 Bosimlar farqini oʻlchash asbobi HSW-DF-02 Metrologiya standartlashtirish va mahsulot sifati menejmenti kafedrasi katta oʻqituvchisi M. Sattarov